Given an infinite universe and infinite time, all things will happen. That means that every event is inevitable, including those that are impossible. And it's as good an explanation for all of this as anything else. Now, a lot of stories start in bars, so that's where we're going to start this one. Not because I was there - I wasn't. But because it's a damn good introduction to a very unique... fellow.

Cuma, Aralık 01, 2006

kış geldi

ve dogal olarak dogumgunumde geldi demek oluo buuu!! ben bi kış cocuyum.
hatta dogduum gunde kar yagıyomus. 11 ARALIK
asil amacim dogum gunumu yazmak diildi ablamla konustum simdi hediemi almis acaba ne aldi..

1 yorum:

Adsız dedi ki...

benim hediemde hazır ama belkide sadece bildiğin diildir belki kafamda başka şelerde vardır hehe ama tabi anca şubet falan gibi öğrenebilirsin euheuheueh
