Given an infinite universe and infinite time, all things will happen. That means that every event is inevitable, including those that are impossible. And it's as good an explanation for all of this as anything else. Now, a lot of stories start in bars, so that's where we're going to start this one. Not because I was there - I wasn't. But because it's a damn good introduction to a very unique... fellow.

Cumartesi, Mayıs 06, 2006


yazcaktım ama hepsini sildim ve deee acaip mutluuum böle yapmaktan
yazmicam işte

2 yorum:

Adsız dedi ki...

yazma ya amaaaan bırak hıh :Pp

Adsız dedi ki...

ehueeheuhe tabi bu anlık bişidi ama snden yorum ancak bu olurdu cnmmmmmm
